2 Selected Software for Implementation

Produce and read text corpus:

organize in 3D, and present, project experience databases:

BeeDocs Timeline 3D v.3.1                                            released 13th July 2011


Livescribe 2.8.1  , digital ink and audio                           released 02nd August 2011

nltk.corpus  , standardized interfaces to corpora            to be released later in 2011

other software to be defined


PYTHON 2.6.6                                                                 released Aug 31 2010

NLTK 2.0.1rc1                                                                 released April 2011

other software to be defined

software to be defined

Nosql database:

MongoDB 2.0.2                                                                released 22. November 2011

Software required by the NLTK books :

                            “python text processing with nltk 2.0 cookbook”

                               I        “natural language processing with python”

                               I         I    install   short description                  link to              link to

                               I         I    status                                                         download       documentation

------------------     ---      ---    ------        --------------------------------           ---------               ---------

NLTK                    yes     yes   yes           Natural Language Toolkit              link                      link

MongoDB             yes             no            Document-oriented Database        link                      link

PyMongo              yes             no            Interaction Python - MongoDB       link                     link

Redis                    yes             no            Key-value store                              link                      link

redis-py                yes             no            Python interface to Redis               link                       link

execnet                yes             no            Rapid multi-Python deployment     link                      link

Enchant               yes              no           tbd                                                 link                       link

PyEnchant           yes              no           Spellchecking lib. for Python          link                       link

PyYAML              yes      yes  yes           YAML impl. for Python                  link                       link

dateutil                yes              no           Extent. to datetime module            link                       link

chardet               yes              no           Universal encoding detector           link                       link

BeautifulSoup     yes              no            HTML/XML parser                        link                        link

lxml                     yes             no             XML processing library                 link                        link

SimpleParse       yes              no             Parser generator                          link                        link

mxBase              yes              no             Python extensions                      link                        link

lockfile                yes              no             File locking                                  link                        link                   

Numpy                           yes   no            Scientific computing w/Python     link                       link

Matplotlib                       yes   no            2D plotting library                         link                       link           

Prover9                          yes   no            Theorem prover                            link                       link

MaltParser                     yes   no             Data-driven dependency parser    link                       link

MegaM                          yes   no            Maximum entropy models             link                      link